Originally from Nova Iguaçu-Brazil, Vivanjx moves between Rio de Janeiro, Paris and Lisbon, building a varied career within art and nightlife. Between museology, theatre, dance and history of art, they integrate and differentiate their trajectory with communities of a world in movement, without losing the fixed point of their narrative: the places where they come from, even if transitory.
Originally from Nova Iguaçu-Brazil, Vivanjx moves between Rio de Janeiro, Paris and Lisbon, building a varied career within art and nightlife. Between museology, theatre, dance and history of art, they integrate and differentiate their trajectory with communities of a world in movement, without losing the fixed point of their narrative: the places where they come from, even if transitory.
Nosso encontro acontece no efêmero, criamos espaços de festa dentro de espaços de festa. Esses que ainda se veem no passado rígido das binaridades, mas com makeup de futuro. Nós nos fortalecemos nas catarses do presente, na noite, no after, nas intersecções de não-identidades, nas diferenças de origens. Nisso se baseia também nossa segurança e por ela construímos uma comunidade que dança, pensa e faz acontecer. No efêmero.

Aqui, no mundo do fluido, projetamos delírios – tudo que tenta se cristalizar durante os dias. Através das mídias mostramos que foi e pode ser real. Obcecadas em viver nossas corpas como as sentimos e não como alguns nos veem. Aqui você vê como nos vemos de tempos em tempos, porque paralisar o efêmero não significa petrificar. Pelo contrário, dá noção da multiplicidade de sermos.


Nenhum lugar está pronto para isso e lugares onde não pertencemos não merecem capitalizar nossa liberdade. No geral (ainda) não temos muita escolha.
A fragilidade do momento presente e a precariedade intelectual e afetiva emanada dos espaços em que dialogamos continuará coexistindo com a força e a beleza de alguns desses registros. Tentativa de expressão do caos/causa criadora ou, pelo menos, reafirmar que existe para além & em conflito com a rigidez dessas estruturas ou objetivação de identidades que muito são propostas.
“Essa é nossa memória do futuro.”

English Version
Originally from Nova Iguaçu-Brazil, Vivanjx moves between Rio de Janeiro, Paris and Lisbon, building a varied career within art and nightlife. Between museology, theatre, dance and history of art, they integrate and differentiate their trajectory with communities of a world in movement, without losing the fixed point of their narrative: the places where they come from, even if transitory.
Our meeting happens in the ephemeral, we create spaces of celebration within spaces of celebration. Those who still see themselves in the rigid past of binarities, but with makeup of the future. We strengthen ourselves in the catharsis of the present, in the night, in the after-hours, in the intersections of non-identities, in the differences of origins. Our security is also based on this and through it we build a community that dances, thinks, and makes things happen. In the ephemeral.
Here, in the world of the fluid, we project delirium – everything that tries to crystallise during the days. Through the media we show it was, and it can be real. Obsessed with living our bodies as we feel them and not as some see us. Here you see how we see ourselves from time to time, because paralysing the ephemeral does not mean petrifying. On the contrary, it gives a sense of the multiplicity of us being.

No place is ready for it and places where we don’t belong don’t deserve to capitalise our freedom. Generally, we don’t (yet) have much choice.

The fragility of the present moment and the intellectual and affective precariousness emanating from the spaces in which we dialogue will continue to coexist with the strength and beauty of some of these records. Attempt to express creative chaos/cause or, at least, reaffirm that it exists beyond & in conflict with the rigidity of these structures or objectification of identities that are much proposed.
“This is our memory of the future.”